Only the below listed breeders are member of the NLOESA and committed to breed according to the health and welfare regulations. They also signed the Code of Ethics.
Brammer BairnsAnja & Bert Nijenhuis
Jemmac'sMark & Jessica van Dijk
Takoda KyonaMarjo Denkers
van het PrachtveldJeroen & Bianka Wezenbeek
from Pollie's BobtailsCaroline Smit
from Rocky's DesteneyPleuni Hoogwerf
Touch of CharmRichard & Diana de Sevren Jacquet
Van het NachtegaalspadPeter & Sonja Poortman
YouandiInge van Engelen
Law of LoveLizie van Heel
Fools ParadiseSjaak & Nelleke Meijer